Skills Centre Website Redesign

What did we do?

The Skills Centre's website redesign focused on more than just aesthetics; it was about creating an inclusive and accessible digital platform that resonated with their mission. By elevating the visibility of their offerings, we strengthened the Centre's ability to impact and uplift the lives of their diverse community.

  • The goal was to create a website as warm, inviting, and people-focused as the Skills Centre's mission, vision, and values. However, we recognized a significant challenge - the need to increase the visibility of all the diverse programs and services the Skills Centre offers, going beyond the focus on the jobs board.

  • Initially, we noticed that most of the website traffic gravitated towards the job board, causing valuable training opportunities offered by the Centre to be overlooked. To address this, we prioritized enhancing the user journey throughout the site. By creating pathways that engaged users with related content, we successfully directed traffic to areas they may have otherwise missed.

  • A website that truly embodied the essence of the Skills Centre - a welcoming space where everyone feels seen, heard, and supported. Our efforts ensured that visitors could effortlessly explore the extensive range of programs and services, aligning with the Centre's commitment to empowering individuals from all walks of life.

Stand out from the crowd

Since the website launch, the Skills Centre has experienced significant growth in user engagement on the programs pages. Visitors are now more likely to explore the wide range of resources, services, and support offered by the Centre. This increase in engagement indicates that users are finding value in the diverse programs and are encouraged to dive deeper into the available opportunities.

Helping others creates a ripple effect of positivity that has a profound impact on both everyone around.

Success is best when it’s shared.

This project was completed under

BlackBean Marketing


PenBrewTours Brand Identity


Okanagan Specialty Fruit Website Redesign